
##> PRIQ Queues on the ADSL link
altq on $if_ext1 priq bandwidth 100Kb queue { q_dns, q_pri1, q_mail, q_ftp, q_cvs , q_other1 }

#> Queue for DNS Traffic
# DNS lookups and transfer are given the highest priority
queue q_dns priority 14 #priq(red)

#> Queue for SSH Connections and Empty ACKs
queue q_pri1 priority 13 #priq(red)

#> Queue for Mail Connections
queue q_mail priority 12 #priq(red)

#> Queue for FTP Connections
queue q_ftp priority 11 #priq(red)

#> Queue for cvsync/cvsup Connections
queue q_cvs priority 10 #priq(red)

##> CBQ Queues on the CABLE link
altq on $if_ext2 cbq bandwidth 100Kb queue { q_main }

queue q_main bandwidth 100% priority 6 cbq(red) { q_pri2, q_www, q_nntp, q_ntp, q_other2 }
[snip -> filtrage]

# Pass out Web traffic
pass out quick on $if_ext2 proto tcp \
  from any to any port { http, https, 8080, 3128 } \
  flags S/SAFRUP keep state \
  queue (q_www, q_pri2)