U of A Implementation

A smallish Dell 1U server (pe 1650) runs about 95% idle, 5% system doing greylisting, as well as pf "round robin" redirects to send whitelisted connections through to a gaggle of mail processors. This runs OpenBSD.

Our mail processors are Sun V240 and V280 servers running Solaris 9, and sendmail, with spamassassin and procmail (we allow our users to turn on spamassassin, and send "junk" mail to a junk folder.) We will be moving to OpenBSD-AMD64 mail processor machines in the next year.Mail from these is then sent to the delivery host

Our delivery host is a fully loaded Sun V880 server, with about 8 TB of attached Raid5 disk (Fibre Channel and SCSI). It runs Sendmail, and cyrus imapd. It runs Solaris 9.